Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church

Music Ministry

      music ministry 




~ The Music Ministry of Maternity BVM Parish has a place for everyone! ~ 

MATERNITY BVM MUSIC MINISTRY - a place for everyone!




  • Adults: If you love to sing, now is the time to join our wonderful adult choir.  You do not need to know how to read music to enjoy singing in our MBVM Adult Choir. This group rehearses together on Wednesday nights, and generally sings at 4:30 Mass on Saturday and twice a month at either the 9 or 11 o’clock liturgy on Sunday.   We have a wonderful “choir community” at Maternity BVM.  Please consider joining us! First Rehearsal is Wednesday, Sept 11, 6:30 –7:30pm, in Viator Hall
  • Children 1st –  6th grade can sing with our Mustard Seeds Children’s Choir.  Rehearsals are Wednesdays, 5:30 – 6:00pm in the parish center, beginning Sept. 18.  They sing at the 9:00 Family Mass on the 1st Sunday of the month, October - May. To register  click here.
  • Children 7th – High School can sing or play an instrument with our Youth Ensemble.  Guitars, Drums, Strings, Wind instruments, Singers are all welcome! Our first rehearsal is Friday, Sept. 13, 6:00 – 7:30pm, with pizza at 6:00 in Viator Hall. Our first Youth Led Liturgy  is Sunday, Sept. 15 at 11:00.  To register click here.
  •  Handbell Choir – Adults, children ages 12 and older, & young adults, who read music are invited to join our “Intergenerational” Handbell Choir.  This choir generally rings on Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Easter, Confirmation & First Communion.  If interested in the Handbell choir click here.
  • Adults with flexible schedules, consider singing with our Resurrection Funeral Choir.  Rehearsal is 30 minutes prior to the funeral, which is generally at 10 or 11 o’clock.  This important ministry offers consolation to our families during funerals.
  • Did you play an instrument in band or orchestra in High School?  Or College?  Consider sharing your talent with our parish for Weekend Liturgies.  Instrumentalists add great beauty to our prayer and give you a wonderful opportunity to continue playing. Rehearsal is 30 minutes prior to the Liturgy that works in your schedule.
  • Interested in SOUND?  If you have experience, or interest, in running a sound board, we need sound technicians to run our soundboard during any Liturgy that you attend! Training will be available.


Volunteer your musical talent for our parish prayer any time throughout the year!
Contact Chris Lord, our Director of Music Ministry and Liturgy
815 933 8285, ext. 333