Parishioner Videos
During this time of Sheltering in Place
several of our talented parishioners
from our Music Ministry
share their gifts and talents
with all of you at home
or from the warm-up before the recorded online Mass
Lenten Offerings:
Patrick Lord-Remmert
The Exodus Song
Praying with our Musicians
Bill Etzel - one of our Cantors
Just a Closer Walk
All Hail the Power/Crown Him
Handbells - Marie Monterrosso,
Tympani - Cheryl King,
Suspended Cymbal - Stephanie Lupo
& Piano - Chris Lord
Month of Mary
Ave Maria
Singers Nathaniel Nepomuceno and Cheryl King
Hand Bells Marie Monterosso
Ave Maria instrumental prayer during this month of May
Thank you to our youth ensemble and young adult musicians,
A special music offering for
Mother’s Day weekend
by one of our cantors, Priscilla Dwyer and her daughter
who is in our MBVM Youth Choir...
Hail Mary Gentle Woman... a favorite Marian song ...let us pray..
A song offered today for our Confirmation Candidates
on this day they were scheduled
to be Confirmed at Maternity BVM,
prior to shelter in place.
Thanks to two of our young cantors,
Ellen & Anna Stephens....let us pray today for our Confirmante
A shelter in place offering from
one of our cantors, Priscilla Dwyer,
and her daughter, Mary Claire
Let us sing and pray together
Let us pray and sing together, even as we shelter in place
A former parishner, Chet Lord-Remmert,
shared this Easter Joy piano
selection by William Gokelman called Risen!
Chet is sheltering in place
in his home in Springfield, IL
.and made this recording for us
at a church he plays for in LIncoln, IL.
Thank you Chet!
Christ is risen indeed and walks amongst us.
This prayer is sung for you
by our Mother-Daughter duet from our
Adult and Children's Choir. How Beautiful!
Priscilla & Mary Claire