Below are a list of Ministries we offer here at Maternity
We welcome you to join and participate in our many ministries
If you are interested in participating in a ministry contact our parish secretary
at (815) 933-8285 ext. 310
or click on the link below to submit your name and information
Finance Council assists the pastor in his administrative responsibilities through fiscally prudent management of parish finances and in the administration of parish goods and resources.
Parish Council in consultation with the pastor, seeks to coordinate and unify the structure of the parish.
Buildings & Grounds Committee assists the parish in identifying areas that are in need of repair or replacement. Individuals on this committee have career backgrounds in plumbing, electrical, building, roofing, general repairs who can lend their knowledge the decision making needed to create a safe space for our parishioners and their families.
Worship & Spiritual
Eucharistic Ministers assist the priest in distributing Holy Communion on weekend Masses and Holy Days. Ministers must be practicing Catholics and attend training sessions. Contact: Sherry Denault
Lectors proclaim the Word of God at liturgical celebrations and may announce the general intercessions. Lectors must be practicing Catholics and pass the training standards. Contact: Sherry Deault
Altar Servers assist the priest and deacon during the celebration of Mass. Boys and girls who are at least in 6th grade or older are eligible to serve. Servers must attend training sessions. Contact: Maria Pallissard
Sacristans undertakes the overall preparation of liturgical celebrations. Contact: Sherry Denault
Ministers of Hospitality provide an atmosphere of welcome by greeting and seating parishioners, as well as, taking up the collection. Contact: Sherry Denault,
Eucharistic Adoration promotes Adoration of the Real Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Adoration is held every Thursday from 3:00-6:00 pm. No benediction.
Taize Prayer is offered the first Monday of the month at 6:00 p.m. in the Church October through May. Taize is a simple prayer service that consists of simple chants, scripture, a service of light, an extended period of silence for meditation and concludes with prayers for the world.
Rosary is prayed every Thursday at 6:30 p.m. in the church or grotto and weekdays at 7:05 a.m. before daily morning Mass. The Rosary group will not meet until April.
Reconciliation is offered and encouraged every Saturday from 8:30-9:30 am, and every Thursdays from 4:00-5:00 pm. The confessional is located on the left by the back pews of the church which is where the priests are ready and waiting. Confessions by appointment are also available. Contact: Parish Secretary
Music Ministry assists in developing our union with Christ in the Sacred Liturgy by providing the music ranging from traditional to contemporary. Adult choir, cantors and musicians make up the music ministry during the regular weekend Masses. Members meet for rehearsals weekly. Contact: Chris Lord, Music Director for all Choirs
Adult Choir Ministers at one or two Masses per weekend. Choir practices are generally held on Wednesday nights from 6:30-7:30 pm. in St. Viator Hall. Anyone is welcome to join by contacting the Music Director.
Wedding and Funeral Choir This is on an as needed basis.
Youth Ensemble Young adult singers and instrumentalists (7th grade through College) alike are invited to minister for our monthly 11:00 a.m. Youth Mass. Check out our Facebook page at MBVM Youth Ensemble.
Children’s Choir (Mustard Seeds) and Youth Choir Children with musical talent, beginning in grades 2nd are invited to sing in our “Mustard Seeds” Choir. They will sing at 9:00 a.m. Mass, on the first Sunday of the month starting in the fall . Children may join at anytime during the school year.
Faith Formation
Bishop McNamara Catholic School provides an education for children grades pre-K through 12th. Bishop McNamara Catholic School is a Catholic School committed to preparing students to understand and live the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. McNamara welcomes diversity and promotes social justice and service of others. Contact: School Office
Religious Education teaches children from Kindergarten to grade 8. Catechists strive to provide the best possible Christian environment for students to grow in knowledge and practice of their Catholic faith. Nurtured by the sacraments and inspired by the Word of God, the focus is on achieving the threefold goals of Catholic education: to proclaim the message of Jesus; to build a Christian community enlivened by the Holy Spirit; to be of service to the entire Christian community. Catechists must be certified by the diocese and need six hours of continuing education each year. Contact: Maria Pallissard, Religious Education Coordinator
Baptism Preparation Not only does this class provide information for parents who wish to have their children baptized, but helps them experience baptism as a time for prayer. Sessions are typically held on the second Tuesday of the month. Participation is necessary for a child to be baptized at Maternity BVM. Contact: Parish Secretary
Marriage Preparation Must begin six months before the date of the wedding. Engaged couples are required by the diocese to participate in several steps in preparation for marriage. Contact: Parish Secretary
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) is the formative process by which adults explore the Catholic faith with the intention of becoming members of the Catholic Church. Classes begin in each Fall and lead to the celebration of the sacraments of initiation, Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist at the Easter Vigil. Contact: Parish Secretary
Confirmation Preparation is a class to prepare those who have been Baptized, but never made their Confirmation. Contact: Parish Secretary
Youth Ministry is geared for teens. The Youth Ministry is broken into a Junior High Youth Ministry from grades 6th—8th; a Senior High Youth Ministry for grades 9-12th and a College Youth Ministry for college students. The Youth Ministry provides opportunities for our youth to work at soup kitchens, nursing homes (bingo), and animal shelters. They also participate in Harvest Sunday food collection. In addition, our Youth Group puts on two separate retreats: Quest (for students entering Freshman or Sophomore year in High School) and Kairos (for students entering Senior year in High School). These two retreats are focused on building a better understanding of God and a relationship with Him. Furthermore, the Youth Ministry provides opportunities for our youth to participate in Catholic Conferences such as Youth Leadership Conference (YLC), One Bread One Cup (OBOC), National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) and Viatorian Youth Congress. The Youth Ministry provides many opportunities to participate in Liturgical experiences. Our Youth Mass is held once a month at the 11:00 a.m. Mass and this is an opportunity for the youth to minister and be trained as Eucharistic ministers, liturgical musicians, lectors, greeters, ushers and cantors. Contact: Youth Minister.
Liturgy of the Word for Children To help youngsters take part in a more meaningful way, adult leaders provide the Liturgy of the Word for children in Kindergarten and 1st grade at the 9:00 a.m. Mass. The children are dismissed and go St. Viator Hall during the Liturgy of the Word in Mass. Contact: Maria Pallissard, R.E. Coordinator
Vacation Bible School is a week long program for children K-3rd who engaging in bible stories through story time, music, games and snacks. Children 4th—12th grades volunteer to help make this experience so wonderful. Contact: Maria Pallissard, R.E. Coordinator
Small Groups meet in parishioners homes or at the parish. Small groups consist of 6-8 parishioners for the purpose becoming missionary disciples of Christ. Together parishioners pray, read the gospel, share faith and then put their faith into practice.
Stewardship Campaign is an annual campaign designed to help parishioners become aware of the budgetary needs of our parish to help support the ministries within. This is done by asking parishioners to evaluate their level of giving each year so that our overall mission of the church can be met.
Fundraisers are another way for our parish to meet budgetary needs. Various fundraisers may be implemented to help with such.
Parish Life
Breakfast with Santa Takes place in December. This is an opportunity for children in the parish to visit with Santa while enjoying a delicious pancake breakfast cooked by our Knights of Columbus. This event follows the 9:00 am Mass.
Easter Egg Hunt Takes place on Palm Sunday out in the grotto after the 9:00 am Mass.
Leprechaun Hunt Takes place in the grotto after the 9:00 am Mass.
Donut Sunday - Takes place- in the warmer months outside on the grotto after the 9:00 am Mass.
Bunco Takes place a few times a year. Anyone can join.
Knights of Columbus Notre Dame Council 7072 is a brotherhood dedicated to Charity, Church, Community and Family. There are six general groups of activities that they focus on: Church, Pro-Life, Community, Family, Youth and Council Activities. Contact: Grand Knight
Social Concerns
Homebound Ministry, Extraordinary Lay Minsters of the Eucharist, bring Holy Communion to the homebound. Volunteers must be practicing Catholics. Compassion and prayer are an important part of this ministry. Contact: Parish Secretary
Food Pantry provides supplemental food to approximately 300 Bourbonnais families each month. Our shelves are stocked by our own parishioners and by Harvest Sunday that occurs once a year in November. Contact: Parish Secretary
Telephone Prayer Chain The MBVM Telephone Prayer Chain efficiently communicates requests for prayers to a network of individuals who will pray for others in time of need, loss, illness, praise, and thanksgiving. Prayer requests are received in the church office or given to the team members of the prayer chain. Contact: Parish Secretary
CCW (Council of Catholic Women) The St. Anne Society Council of Catholic Women are devoted to our Parish. The group meets once a month. Their projects focus on the needs of MBVM and include Adoration and Novena to St. Anne. The ladies are still faithful to their original mission of Altar and Rosary Society. Every woman in the Parish is automatically a member of the CCW. Contact: CCW President
Camp M*O*S*H stands for Maternity Outreach Service for Humanity and was created right here at MBVM by our Youth Group. Every other Summer, our parishioners and youth (grades 7 and up) donate their time to be the hands and feet of Jesus by completing service work for those in need in our very own community. The youth have the opportunity to sleep in tents here on the ground of MBVM, and each morning they go out to do a variety of service projects. Adults lead the projects, prepare meals for the campers, and transport the campers to each project. Entertainment and spiritual renewal is an important component of this amazing week. Contact: Youth Minister
Poor Box is a box located right inside the main doors of the church. Parishioners are free to donate to this box, and the monies collected goes to those in the community who need help.
Dates and times are subject to change. Contact the Parish Secretary at (815) 933-8285 ext. 110 to verify event information
To express interest in joining or volunteering for a ministry