Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church

Harvest Sunday - Driver

2024 Harvest Sunday Adult Driver Form (for those age 18 and older): (please email a copy of your drivers license to afierce@mbvm.org, as well)

Reach out to Amanda Fierce with questions. Thank you! 815-933-8285 x335

Drivers: you must have had the Protecting God's Children Class and a background check to volunteer with our youth. 

click here if you have need to register for Protecting God's Children.


Adult Volunteer Authorization & Registration for Harvest Sunday - Driver

Driver Information

Vehicle that will be used

Please note that the minimal, acceptable liability limit for privately-owned vehicles is $100,000/$300,000.

Please be aware when using a personal vehicle, your insurance is primary. There is a policy that would offer additional liability protection should a claim exceed the limits of your policy.

Driving History

Have you had any of the following citations or convictions in the past THREE years:


Please note: For this event, you are to drive your own child(ren) only. If you need to drive child(ren) from another family, you must contact Amanda Fierce at afierce@mbvm.org.

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