The Youth Led Liturgies (Youth Masses) are held here at Maternity BVM Catholic Church. These liturgies are led by Youth that are Freshman-Senior Year of High School of our community & parish.
All high school students (no matter what school you're from) are invited to participate and to sit in the reserved pews at the front right side of church.
It is truly a beautiful Mass, and proves that the future of the Catholic Church is in good hands. We encourage you to attend one of the youth led liturgys/ Masses if you haven't done so already. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Please contact Amanda Fierce to join our Youth Led Liturgy planning team, we'd love to have you!, 815-933-8285 x335
2024-2025 Schedule
YOUTH Led Liturgy
Youth Liturgy Planning Meetings (12:15pm-1:45pm) in Rectory Basement Youth Ministry Room | Youth Led Liturgy (Youth Masses) 11:00 mass |
Sunday, September 8th (1:00-2:30 pm) note time change |
Sunday, September 15 (liturgical ministry sign-ups) |
Sunday, October 20th | Sunday, October 27th |
Sunday, November 3rd | Sunday, November 10th (Harvest Sunday Collection Day) |
Sunday, December 8th | Sunday, December 15th (Third Sunday of Advent) |
Sunday, January 12th | Sunday, January 19th |
Sunday, February 9th | Sunday, February 23rd |
Sunday, March 2nd | Sunday, March 9th |
Sunday, April 6th (plan last 2 liturgies) |
Sunday, April 14th (Palm Sunday Sun April 27th (Senior Blessing) |