Amy Bovie CPSD
Independent Spiritual Director/Parishioner
(815) 514-9129
As a Catholic Spiritual Director I will listen, walk with you, speak the truth so that you can grow
in all aspects, dimensions, and qualities of Jesus. (Eph 4:15). With prayerful preparation, I will
journey with you as you discover the best version of yourself in mind, body, and soul.
Spiritual Director—Seeker—God
As a director, I am a companion, a mediator, a listener that facilitates and fosters a personal
relationship with the seeker and God. This is a ministry of holy listening and spiritual
companioning rather than counseling. This is NOT problem based, but Spirit based. Together,
with humble surrender, the Holy Spirit will be our guide and Sanctifier on this life changing journey.
Human Development--Balance—Authenticity---Beauty—Resonance—Hope
“Qualities of a good director are formed out of an experience in life over time, under the
submission to the Spirit of God. It is the depth of intimacy with God that is more important than
knowledge of subject.” Dynamics Personal Interior Preparation is vital for both director and seeker.
As a director, I can’t give what I don’t have. I daily work on my personal relationship with each member of the Trinity.
Scripture, rosary, prayer and contemplation are part of my day. I am an avid reader, reading
everything from self- help books to encyclicals to Church Fathers. I rely on the strength and
nourishment I receive weekly from Jesus in the Eucharist. I find peace in front of the tabernacle
alone or during Adoration. My prayer life not only helps me, but everyone I know, love and serve.
I must care for fragile, beautiful souls in a gentle yet sometimes challenging way. I fully realize
that this spiritual companionship is hallowed ground, always considering “What is God saying?
and What is my response? Spiritual direction is never about telling people what to do. A good
spiritual director invites a person to look inside themselves, to their own God-given wisdom, for
answers. It is important to consider the seeker as made up of mind, body, and soul as the Holy
Spirit directs towards best version of self. I want to help my seeker see life as a dance. “The
Divine Dance by Richard Rohr sketches a beautiful choreography for a life well lived. In our joy
or our pain, true life is always relational, a flow, a dance. (And was always meant to be.)”
A Meeting
At the first meeting, we will share and discuss what is acceptable to both director and seeker.
This may include timing, cost, expectations. Most people meet with me for one hour, once a
month, at a cost of $40 per hour. I will ask for a prayer commitment involving Scripture and a
prayer journal. Sharing my personal background may be helpful at this first meeting to begin a
trusting connection. At subsequent meetings I may ask “How have you seen God working in
your life since our last meeting?”
Hospitality has always been important to me. I pride myself on being welcoming and inviting.
Creating an open and inviting environment is key. Seating will be comfortable for both the
Spiritual Director and seeker. I will be aware of any expectations or fears the seeker may bring
to the session. A candle, bible, and kleenex are on the table nearby. I provide a palm cross for
my seeker to hold. Seeker is asked to bring prayer journal and pen to each session.
I like to start with the seeker decluttering or venting for a bit. Then we will center ourselves and
pray. The seeker will set the focus or agenda for the time. One asset of director is to be a holy
listener. The seeker will explain. I will ask clarifying questions, sometimes in empathy,
sometimes firm. I understand the importance of silence. Ps 46:10 “ Be still and know that I am
God” are words that I live by.
• enhances communication
• brings about insights
• provides refuge for seeker recovering from pain
• encourages director to step out of the way so seeker can see where Spirit is leading
I will be aware of the Holy Spirit in the midst and seek to provide guidance by offering
suggestions for spiritual practices and/or spiritual readings. I will issue challenges and
“homework” to assist seeker’s growth as I sense the Spirit leads. I will allow seeker to close by
summarizing what he/she have learned and how God has been at work.
A seeker had this to say when I asked her to read my model, “Amy this is so amazing and that is exactly
what you have done for me, (and more)! I feel like I have had more problem based meetings, you you
have always refocused my attention. One of the most profound moments for me is last week when you
made me just BE STILL. I could totally feel the presence of the Holy Spirit filling me up with strength
despite the fact that I was crying. You always know the right things to say and do. I feel like your wisdom
and faithfulness is a perfect model for anyone wanting to strengthen their relationship with God. It is
amazing what happens when you slow down and give it to HIM!!! Any person lucky enough to cross
your path will definitely come out stronger in faith and in life because of it. You have helped to
strengthen my faith and have enriched my faith journey more than you know. You are a strong, selfless
woman of God, and you are wise beyond words. God is most definitely using you in a special way in this
crazy world, and you have touched SO many lives. I can only imagine how valuable you will be in this
new chapter as a Spiritual Director. Thank you for all you do for me and mine. I feel like although I’m
going through some storms, I am heading in the right direction, and I know because you taught me, that I am NEVER alone. “