Seeking High School Leaders for the 8th Grade Confirmation Retreat
Date: TBD
What to expect being a Leader:
There will be a preparation meeting to practice the Introduction Skit one week prior to the retreat. This is NOT Mandatory but all are welcome to join in the fun! Snacks Provided! The day of the Retreat counts for 6 Service hrs. You will have loads of fun guiding the confirmadi's in a faith-filled fun day at MBVM Parish. Remember you are the Leader so you should show respect and responsibility for your group that day. Adult Leaders will be present and should be informed of any misconduct or problems that arise during the retreat.
Must Join Remind: Text 81010 code @confirlead: RSVP your T-shirt size to Youth Minister.
Day of Retreat: 10:00am-4:15pm Sunday Jan. 22nd please arrive at the Parish center no later than 10:00am for directions for the day & to change into your retreat T-shirt. (You may wear nice jeans on this day, No holes!) We will then go to the Youth Mass together at approx. 10:30am. Mass starts at 11am, after Mass we will proceed to the school gym to start our retreat.
Questions for Leaders: Contact Youth Minister Office at 815-933-8285 ext.335
Please fill out the form below to be a Leader: