Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church

Children's Liturgy of the Word


Children's Liturgy of the Word


Children ages 3 through 1st Grade

are invited to participate in age appropriate lessons

during the 9:00 a.m. Sunday Mass



After the Opening Prayer, these children are called forth to follow the leader to St. Viator Hall (in the back room of the church). 

Here the Gospel will be read and discussed at their level, and children will complete simple hands on activities. 

The children will then return to their families at the Our Father and Sign of Peace. 


During COVID restrictions, please make a reservation for your child for "Little People's Church"


Parents are welcome to attend with their children to help.


Questions contact Maria Pallissard at (815) 933-8285 ext. 326 or

email mpallissard@mbvm.org