Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church

Harvest Sunday

Harvest Sunday is the largest food collection drive in Kankakee County.  As a parish we help many food pantries in our area! 

Can your family help?

Part 1:  November 2-3, 2024  Follow your route and put flyers in doors/ front porches any time of day.

Part 2:  November 10, 2024: Go to 11:00 am Youth Mass.  Then starting at 12:00 Noon  go back to your route and pick up food off porches and bring those items to your assigned drop off location. You should finish by 3:00 pm.




1. Families sign up for a route through the Sign-Up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B44ADA729A1FDCE9-50431031-harvest  And then come back to this page!

2. Your route packet with directions, map and flyers will be available for pick up in the Parish Center on Friday and Saturday, November 1st and 2nd.

3. All adult drivers must complete the Driver Information Form below:


Adult Volunteer Authorization & Registration for Harvest Sunday - Driver

Driver Information

Vehicle that will be used

Please note that the minimal, acceptable liability limit for privately-owned vehicles is $100,000/$300,000.

Please be aware when using a personal vehicle, your insurance is primary. There is a policy that would offer additional liability protection should a claim exceed the limits of your policy.

Driving History

Have you had any of the following citations or convictions in the past THREE years:


Please note: For this event, you are to drive your own child(ren) only. If you need to drive child(ren) from another family, you must contact Maria Pallissard at mpallissard@mbvm.org.

Important! Don't forget to click on "Submit" below



You may drive other youth in your car if you have an active Virtus Account & have taken the "Protecting God's Children"

online course  & background check completed. Click here to open your account: https://www.virtusonline.org/virtus/

Contact Sherry Denault for help in completing the Virtus Information (815) 933-8285 ext. 312 or sdenault@mbvm.org


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